dengan tanpa ragu-ragu bahasa Inggris
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- dengan tanpa: with neither
- tanpa: bare of; devoid of; freshed out of; freshing out
- tanpa ragu-ragu: by all odds; right off the reel; without more
- ragu-ragu: be into minds about; double minded; doubtful;
- tanpa ragu ragu: unhesitatingly; at the high port
- tanpa ragu-ragu: by all odds; right off the reel; without more bones; no matter what; by all means; without fail; resolutely; deffo; considerably; resoundingly; inarguably
- dengan ragu-ragu: doubtfully; hesitantly; in doubt; tentatively
- dengan tidak ragu-ragu: undoubtably
- ragu: doubting; raise eyebrows; raised eyebrows; raising eyebrows; incertain; uncertainty; worried; ambivalent; doubtful; unsure; wonder; fear; hot and cold; afraid; anxious; hesitate; androgynous; feel b
- ragu ragu: halfhearted; luke; piss-warm; laodicean
- ragu-ragu: be into minds about; double minded; doubtful; dubious; hesitant; hesitate; hum and haw; irresolute; sceptical; undecided; worry; ambivalent; doubt; falter; faltering; hang back; hover; indecisive; t
- diterima dengan ragu: doubtful value
- bergerak ragu-ragu: waver
- bersifat ragu-ragu: skeptical
- Diana took me in without hesitation.
Diana membawa saya dengan tanpa ragu-ragu.